Shades Of Rauschenberg
Shades Of Rauschenberg
Shades Of Rauschenberg

Libby Thiel was born Elizabeth Anne Dorsett in Raleigh, North Carolina, on May 1st, 1949, and died of complications due to cancer at her home in Fenwick, Maryland, on February 15th, 2016. She was a graduate of the Corcoran School of Art, where she studied graphic arts and printmaking from 1968-1972. She studied abroad in Yorkshire at Leeds Polytechnic from the fall of 1970 to the spring of 1971. Libby worked for the renowned graphic arts firm Beverage & Associates from 1972 to 1978. During that time, her work was recognized with two gold medals for illustration by the Art Director’s Club of Metropolitan Washington. She founded Blueline Design with her husband Bruce Thiel in 1978. The main body of her work comprised of corporate holiday cards, logos, and illustrations for the U.S. Information Agency, Postal Service, and various government and private non-profit organizations.