What Does It Mean to Teach the Whole Child? A big, loaded question. A somewhat…
I long to see my childhood on screen. No one is steeped in poverty and crime, or so bougie and disconnected they can’t kiki at the cookout.
“hey, u got any change?” I heard from the vagrant I had no coins but I gave him a 2 dollar bill
We love you to life // Burn the Glytch // Be the Future
Welcome to Cyber Ancient where Mind will link Carbon and Silicon // Analog and Digital Individual and Omniscient Self
Dear blood descendant, I’m emailing u from the past I suspect u are entrenched in Digital Concrete
Less human and Unsanitary were whispered and belted Signs in stores read “Vaccinated only” A part of me hates it A part of me gets it
2020 was the year of Authoritarian testing It Failed. Americans will never ingest dictatorship from a Man while supporting Technocrats
Summer Solstice – 2045 Self Defense for women became Exemplary
Insurrection sparked in the crowd’s saliva Human flames shattered D.C.’s dome They said they lit it cuz their leader told them
45 Insinuated Democracy is maintained by Fascism His cronies added “Combat” was a necessity urging true Citizens to join them in the storm
Tom Newman is a well sought after guitarist from the Washington, D.C. area. His company, New Mu Production, houses all of his comprehensive musical services which include educational services, talent consulting, and much more.
THE LAST DEMOCRATIC DEBATE took place in 2020. It was a spectacle where narrator and candidates spoke simultaneously to a slapstick audience
In 2045 // D.C. was hit with its first FALSE FLAG BY 2050 THE descendants of gentrified strangers and endangered natives were Xtracted
Monolith 202 will awaken when the Military guards barren streets and its Leader feeds off kneeling shadows
I Am ORGANIC MANKinetic Masculinity scalp to plantar No Fucking chipsI Heathen is my attitudeOccupation…
Yesterday I saw people “kissing” masks tight
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An alternate Americahad its last president in 2016
I miss simplicityRecord storesNormal WeedVirgin waterDivine Imperfect women
Pike toppled on Juneteenth Charged protesters were dogmatic in seeing his descent I was a-moral and curious